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Answered a Question    Jun 15
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Asked In Article: Lace Vs Velcro: How To Choose The Right Closure System For Your Climbing Shoes

I don't have any lace climbing shoes, but so far I know quite a few people who have Velcro shoes that have torn and the Velcro strap is no longer attached. My shoes are actually very close to tearing it seems as well.

I have never seen anyone whose lace shoes have torn though, but I'm sure it happens, I just don't know at what rate compared to Velcro shoes.

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Answered a Question    Jun 15
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Asked In Article: Don't Downsize Climbing Shoes Before Understanding What It Means

There may be some brands that have similar sizing, most likely by chance, but overall brands can have very different sizing to their shoes. Even different shoes from the same brand tend to have different sizing.

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Answered a Question    Jun 15
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Asked In Article: Don't Downsize Climbing Shoes Before Understanding What It Means

I believe he said in one of his recent videos, or just in a video he was in, that he downsizes his shoes a few sizes less than he used to a few years ago. I can't remember the reason why he said he does it.

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Answered a Question    Jun 15
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Asked In Article: Don't Downsize Climbing Shoes Before Understanding What It Means

I would say you should always try them on and see what works for you. The same principles apply to choosing neutral climbing shoes as they do to choosing aggressive climbing shoes - try them on and feel what feels best for you.

I would keep in mind the intended usage of the shoes though, since if you are getting neutral shoes, you may be climbing longer routes such as in sport and trad climbing, in which case, downsizing to something very tight may feel very painful and uncomfortable due to wearing the shoes for so long.

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Answered a Question    Jun 15
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Asked In Article: Don't Downsize Climbing Shoes Before Understanding What It Means

For me the fit of climbing shoes has always been the same based on the shoes. I haven't changed my shoe size since I started climbing a few years ago, even when I try on shoes I already have, like the Evolv Shaman 2, I still find that the best fit is the same size I got when I first bought them a few years ago.

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Answered a Question    Jun 15

I don't really think there is a general best length. For me personally, I cut them just enough to not be too short, but don't leave enough to hear the nails on the wall. If they are even a little bit longer than that, they tend to sometimes get bent backwards while grabbing the holds, which obviously is not very pleasant.

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RobinR Asked a Question
Climbing Shoes  ·  Jun 12
How does the mad rock drone cs compare to the original drones?
First asked   Jun 12,
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Adam M. Asked a Question
General Climbing  ·  May 27
How long do climbing sessions usually last?
First asked   May 27,
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Adam M. Asked a Question
what should i do with a hurt pully?
First asked   May 27,
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Adam M. Asked a Question
Climbing Shoes  ·  May 27
how long do resoled shoes last?
First asked   May 27,
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Adam M. Asked a Question
Climbing Shoes  ·  May 27
How often do you resole your shoes?
First asked   May 27,
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Adam M. Asked a Question
General Climbing  ·  Jan 5
do your hands sweat when thinking about or watching climbing also?
First asked   Jan 5,
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John Che Asked a Question
Climbing Shoes  ·  Jan 3
Are there any climbing shoes with a small heel cup but a wide toe box?
First asked   Jan 3,
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Answered a Question    Jan 3

In my opinion, the problem is less about the actual hangboarding, and more about beginners not knowing when to stop and let their fingers rest. Since new climbers aren't usually used to the strain that climbing puts on their fingers and tendons, it's very easy to overtrain and to get injured.
This is true just by climbing alone. Add to that the element of hangboarding and you are in a very high risk of injury!

If a new climber can listen to their body, and also follow a strict program that will minimize the potential for finger injuries, even including hangboarding in the program could be fine. But, this will take a lot of self discipline that a lot of climbers don't seem to have.

Generally, I think that if you do things correctly, you could be fine doing finger specific training during your first year of climbing.

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Adam M. Asked a Question
General Climbing  ·  Jan 3
What tips can you give for dealing with slopers?
First asked   Jan 3,
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Adam M. Asked a Question
General Climbing  ·  Jan 3
What is the most unique climbing gym you have been to?
First asked   Jan 3,
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Adam M. Asked a Question
General Climbing  ·  Jan 3
How do you read routes and actually remember the beta?
First asked   Jan 3,
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John Che Asked a Question
General Climbing  ·  Jan 1
Do all climbing gyms have showers in them?
First asked   Jan 1,
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Answered a Question    Jan 1

It for sure can if you wear the wrong shoes! It would also likely be a combination of other things such as wearing climbing shoes that are too small and landing badly, which could be bad regardless of the shoes, but wearing shoes that are not good for you would most likely increase the risk of bad landings.

Even without combining shoes and other factors, wearing climbing shoes that are not right for you, such as shoes that are too small, can cause damage by itself if you wear them for too long and if they are really too small.

Being well educated about how well sized climbing shoes should feel, mindful of if you got it wrong, and disciplined enough to listen to your body should help prevent damage to your feet though.

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I kind of like the grading differences between climbing gyms. In some gyms a v4 could be as hard as a v6, and in some gyms a v8 can be as easy as a v6. It makes me sort of have to ignore the grades and just go for what ever route interests me and challenges me.
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RobinR Asked a Question
Bouldering  ·  Sep 25, 2023
How tall are bouldering walls usually?
First asked   Sep 25, 2023,
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RobinR Asked a Question
Health, Injuries, & Safety  ·  Sep 25, 2023
What are some ways to get rid of tendonitis in my elbiw?
First asked   Sep 25, 2023,
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Adam M. Asked a Question
Training  ·  Sep 25, 2023
what do you do to improve shoulder strength for bouldering?
First asked   Sep 25, 2023,
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Answered a Question    Sep 19, 2023

For me, after climbing for about a year, I noticed that my toes are more squished together, especially the tips of my toes. They have a sharper square shape rather than a round shape.

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Answered a Question    Sep 19, 2023

It sounds like either the shoes are not the right shape or fit, or there is a pressure point on your big toe. Or maybe you put too much weight on your big toe rather than spreading the weight across all of your toes?

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Adam M. Asked a Question
Training  ·  Sep 19, 2023
how often do you train your fingers?
First asked   Sep 19, 2023,
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Answered a Question    Sep 18, 2023

Usually yes, but it should really be more of an uncomfortable feeling rather than actual pain. If you are used to climbing shoes, it may be fine, if not, you get used to it pretty quickly, assuming you didnt size down too much.

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RobinR Asked a Question
General Climbing  ·  Sep 18, 2023
What do you call it when you heel hook and toe hook at the same time between 2 holds?
First asked   Sep 18, 2023,
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RobinR Asked a Question
Bouldering  ·  Sep 11, 2023
Are indoor boulder grades softer in the uS compared to other countries?
First asked   Sep 11, 2023,
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Bouldering  ·  Sep 9, 2023
I understand the concept of soft grades, but, when it gets to the point where the grades are so soft that a v5 is actually a v3, shouldn't they just give it a v3-v4 grade instead of just calling it a soft v5?

All of the boulders in my gym are actually around 2 grades below their given grade, I don't understand why they give them the higher grades and not the actual lower grades. Is there a reason for it?
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RobinR Asked a Question
Climbing Shoes  ·  Sep 7, 2023
Is there a climbing shoe with a wide toe box and small heel?
First asked   Sep 7, 2023,
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Answered a Question    Sep 6, 2023

I like training static and slow movements for climbing. I feel it translates the best to actual climbing.

I usually find a pull up bar and just do a lot of different grip width variations. Some narrow grip, some shoulder width, and some as wide as I can. All of them are done slowly and controlled, so I don't jerk myself up. I start from a complete dead hang position, slowly pull myself up, and even more slowly lower myself back down.

I also try to pull myself further up, so that I am in between a regular pull up and muscle up.

Training one arms is probably my favorite though, it also really requires very minimal gear, basically just a pull up bar.

Anything body weight and slow movement helps me, so pull ups, push ups, handstands, etc.

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Answered a Question    Sep 6, 2023

I put a vitamin E cream on my hands before I fall asleep. I feel it really helps after sessions that leave me with pulsating red fingertips with little to no skin. The one I use is from Jason, its a 25,000 IU cream, but there are also oils with 75,000 IU, I haven't tried that yet though.

Leaving the cream on overnight does help quite noticeably. It doesn't completely heal the skin after one night, but usually after a second night of doing this I can climb again the next day.

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RobinR Asked a Question
Bouldering  ·  Sep 5, 2023
Is it common to go alone to outdoor boulders and join other climbers in the US?
First asked   Sep 5, 2023,
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Answered a Question    Sep 4, 2023

As long as you feel that they are the right fit for you, then yes. I remember when I bought my first real pair of climbing shoes after my beginner shoes, I tried downsizing as everyone had told me I have to, but even the salesman asked me to not downsize because the it just didn't fit me properly. What ended up being a "performance" fit for me was actually my street shoe size. This is in spite of everyone telling me I have to downsize to the smallest size that I can stick my feet in, regardless of the pain. So as long as you don't listen to that advice and you get what ever you can climb in without terrible pain, or without any pain at all, it should be fine.

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Answered a Question    Aug 29, 2023

Slightly, but not too much! Though, many climbers may say its just a matter of how comfortable you are with curled toes. If its not painful and it doesnt negatively impact performance, maybe its ok.

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Answered a Question    Aug 29, 2023

Honestly, getting the right size and just wearing them will really get the job done.

If your shoes are just not the right size though, then it maybe either not get better, or it may be a very long process. Not being the right size also includes shoes that are too big, so keep that in mind.

One thing I like to do is to bend then around and scrunch them up before putting them on. I do this for about a minute and it really helps soften then up and makes them much less painful.

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Adam M. Asked a Question
Bouldering  ·  Aug 29, 2023
What can be done about my body shaking while climbing even easy routes?
First asked   Aug 29, 2023,
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Answered a Question    Aug 29, 2023

There isnt a rule that says you need one, but, if you are going to use chalk then I would say yes, you do.

You could put your chalk in plastic containers like many new climbers do, but this is really not efficient, and its very easy for the chalk to spill and get knocked over.

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Answered a Question    Aug 29, 2023

Flexibility in my opinion is extremely underrated. I think being flexible can be one of the greatest tools in climbing.

I myself am not flexible at all, but my friends are, and the difference between how we climb is so noticeable. Moves that are so difficult for me are just easy to them.

You dont have to be flexible to climb, but, it would make a huge difference if you were.

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Answered a Question    Aug 29, 2023

It can equal stronger climbing, but not necessarily better climbing.

The problem with being very strong is that you start to neglect technique, because if you can just power yourself to the next hold or through the move, why would you do it in a more technical way? Even if you try to be more technical, it can be very hard to get rid of the habit of powering through moves. This is something many climbers struggle with, including myself.

On the other hand, if you are a technical climber, but are weak in terms of physical strength, training your forearms can help quite a lot by balancing you out a little bit. So you would still have the technique that you have developed until now, and you would also just be physically stronger.

So I would say that it just depends on your current situation. Are you more technical, or are you more powerful?

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Answered a Question    Aug 29, 2023

This is a very general question. Is it for bouldering? Sport climbing?

There is too much missing information in the question to be able to actually answer it accurately, but, in any case, it would most likely depend on your experience, technique, strength, and how determined you are.

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Answered a Question    Aug 29, 2023

I think its just a matter of preference. I personally order very cheap chalk blocks online and just break them up in my chalk bag.

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Answered a Question    Aug 29, 2023

Not so much that it will spill out, and not so little that you have to scrape the sides for it.

I tend to have 1-2 broken down chalk blocks in my chalk bucket. But this also depends on the size of your chalk bag.

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Answered a Question    Aug 29, 2023

What really helped me get better at sit starts was climbing on a moon board, and either finding boulders that have sit starts, or building new boulders with sit starts.

I was pretty bad at sit starts since they are very compressed for me, something I am fairly weak at. But after climbing for about a month almost only on the moon board, I really saw the improvement, and it was very noticeable.

I still work quite often on the moon board, and I can really see the difference from before and after. I try to do the most disgusting sit starts possible on the moon board, and I can do all of the sit starts on the regular route setting walls.

The moon board in my gym is a 30 degree angle I believe. If you don't have a moon board, I think you can probably do the same on any other system board.

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Answered a Question    Aug 29, 2023

Try to find the next best thing that you do have. Do you have a spray wall? If not, do you have an overhanging wall that you can make up boulders on using the existing holds?

Otherwise, I would just make up boulders anywhere in the gym and try to make them system-board-like.

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Answered a Question    Aug 27, 2023

There isn't really a "supposed to" or not when it comes to socks. You either prefer them or you don't.

Some wear them due to hygiene, some due to shoe sizing, and for some it's just comfortable.

Undoubtedly though, the majority of climbers do not wear socks with climbing shoes.

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Answered a Question    Aug 27, 2023

It can be pretty difficult and hard an you, but it really depends on how good you are at listening to your body and giving it the amount of rest it needs.

If you can do this well enough, climbing won't be that hard on you, it will just be hard in general, as a sport.

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Answered a Question    Aug 27, 2023

I sort of unlocked the v6's after 6 months actually. It was a pretty solid v6, and after that, it was as if this whole new world opened up and I was able to climb even more v6's. Of course not all, but some, and others I was able to do a few moves, while before I was struggling a lot on v5's.

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Answered a Question    Aug 26, 2023

Lead climbing multiple times a week, this is what helped me overcome my fear of heights, at least while climbing.

I found a friend to climb with, and we climbed 3 times a week. The frequent climbing amount really helped boost my confidence in being up so high, and my confidence in the gear and the knots and everything else.

Though, this didnt last long, as soon after we stopped lead climbing so often, my nervousness came back, and so did the fear eventually. Now I lead climb once in a while, and its hell for me. The fear just takes over once I get to a certain height.

Maybe if I would have climbed more during that time I climbed 3 times a week, meaning, doing it for months or a year, then maybe I would be more immune to the fear of heights, but, unfortunately it only lasted about a month or two. But during that time, towards the end, I was fearless.

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Answered a Question    Aug 19, 2023

How do you define a good body? Climbing can definitely make you stronger, but it wont necessarily change the way you look.

But then again, it depends on your definition of a good body.

If a stronger body counts as a good body alone, then yes, climbing can give you a good body.

Climbing most likely wont, for most people:

  1. Cause you to lose weight
  2. Put on a significant amount of muscle mass and size

Of course, climbing can motivate you to make these things happen, but climbing alone usually does not cause this.

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Answered a Question    Aug 19, 2023

Generally, no. Climbing shoes are supposed to be pretty tight.

I wear climbing shoes slightly bigger than my street shoe size, and I still cannot wiggle my toes.

I can slightly move them up and down a little, but not so much that I would consider it wiggling them.

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Answered a Question    Aug 11, 2023

This is a really general question. It depends on a few things:

  1. Why kind of climbing are you referring to?
    If its bouldering, then you can climb on your own, but if sport climbing, then you require one more person to belay you.

  2. Why are you climbing?
    Assuming the reference is to bouldering, then the question is why you are climbing. If you are climbing to just detach your mind from the day and to just be physically active, then yea, you could climb alone, and it may be better also if you just don't want to deal with people.
    On the other hand, if you are bouldering with the goal of improving, then I would say both options are important for your progress. Climbing with other people, especially those that climb better than you, can really give you more insight into climbing, more ideas, betas, experience, and just more growth in general. Climbing alone is still important in my opinion though because it's when you are alone that you can actually practice all that you have learned with others.

That's my take on climbing with people vs climbing alone.

Extra point:
I personally find it quite hard to have a proper bouldering session with some friends. Instead of climbing hard routes, we end up just messing around.

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Answered a Question    Aug 11, 2023

Rock climbing doesn't really get you big and bulky. It can make you stronger though, just without the massive body size.

There are some people who tend to grow and bulk up faster than others, at least to a certain size. They may get some more muscle mass than others, but for the most part, you muscle mass won't really increase that much.

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Answered a Question    Aug 10, 2023

Because we are in pain! But not that much pain. Generally, climbing shoes are not comfortable, and leaving them on for a long period of time just starts to hurt after a while. Taking them off in between some of the climbs just lets our feet relax a little bit, and delays the session-ending feet pain.

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Answered a Question    Aug 10, 2023

I have a pair of shoes (Mad Rock Drone HV) that I got resoled 3 times already.

Usually the people who resole it tell us when we should move on to a new shoe, which is when the old shoes cannot be resoled anymore, but they have yet to do so for mine!

I have friends who have resoled theirs just twice and were told that there probably wont be a next time, that their shoes are just too damaged overall.

It really depends on your shoes and the status of them. If areas of the shoes are damaged that are not going to be replaced or fixed in the resole, then resoling obviously wont help them. As for the amount of time a climbing shoes can be resoled though, as I mentioned, mine have gone for 3 resoles, and will probably go fro at least one more, my friends have gone for just 2 and will probably not go for any more, so, it depends.

Try to send them as much as you can I would say.

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Answered a Question    Jul 23, 2023

My first v6 was after about 6 months. But, to be able to consistently climb v6s and call myself a v6 climber, it took longer, maybe closer to 1 year.

Yes, I could say that I climbed a v6 and that I am a v6 climber, but, to me that doesn't count. It may have been a very soft v6, it could have been my specific style also. For me what counts is being able to consistently climb v6s.

I felt comfortable in the v6 range close to a year after I started. I wouldn't flash them yet, but I could do them after a few attempts or sessions.

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Training  ·  Jul 23, 2023
I wonder if I could just train grip strength to the point where I will be able to just hold onto the most difficult holds and be able to climb difficult routes, not thanks to good technique, but thanks to pure power and strength in my grip.
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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023  ·  Edited: Aug 29, 2023

While strong forearms can contribute to better climbing performance, it's important to understand that climbing involves a combination of factors beyond just forearm strength. Technique, body positioning, flexibility, core strength, and mental focus also play significant roles in climbing proficiency. Developing well-rounded strength and skill across multiple muscle groups, including the core, back, and legs, is essential for efficient and effective climbing. Additionally, proper technique and efficient movement patterns can help conserve energy and improve overall climbing ability. So, while strong forearms can be advantageous, they are just one piece of the puzzle in becoming a better climber.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Yes, you can start climbing at any age. Climbing is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of various ages and fitness levels. Whether you're a child, teenager, adult, or even a senior, there are climbing opportunities available to suit different abilities and interests. It's never too late to begin climbing and start developing your skills and strength. However, it's important to consider your physical condition and any specific health concerns you may have. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are unsure about your fitness level, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new physical activity.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Hand grippers can help improve grip strength for climbing by targeting the muscles and tendons of the hands and fingers. They can be a useful tool when combined with climbing-specific exercises and training. However, climbing involves more than just grip strength, so it's important to have a well-rounded training approach.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

A good goal to have for bouldering is to continuously improve your climbing skills and performance. Aim to progress to higher difficulty grades, conquer challenging projects, refine your technique, and increase your strength and power. These goals will help you push your limits, achieve personal growth, and enhance your overall bouldering experience.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Climbing on wet sandstone can be damaging to both the rock and the climber. Wet sandstone is softer, more prone to erosion, and less grippy. Climbers are at a higher risk of slipping and falling due to reduced friction. Additionally, climbing on wet sandstone can cause accelerated wear and tear on the rock, potentially leading to permanent damage. It is best to wait until the sandstone has thoroughly dried before climbing to protect both the rock and ensure a safer climbing experience.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

After rain, it is generally recommended to wait until sandstone has had enough time to dry thoroughly before climbing on it. The exact duration can vary depending on factors such as the intensity of the rain, temperature, humidity, and the specific characteristics of the sandstone in question. As a general guideline, it is often suggested to wait at least 24 to 48 hours after rain before climbing on sandstone. This allows sufficient time for the rock to dry out, minimizing the risk of damaging the rock or compromising its structural integrity. It's essential to prioritize the preservation and conservation of climbing areas, so it's best to check local guidelines or consult with local climbers who are familiar with the specific sandstone area you plan to climb on.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Some climbers prefer chalk powder because it is more convenient to use, allows for better distribution on the hands, and creates less dust. Others may prefer chalk blocks because they like the texture or find them easier to handle. Ultimately, both chalk powder and chalk blocks serve the same purpose of improving grip by absorbing moisture from the hands.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

For me, the most effective way to overcome the fear of heights in climbing was gradual exposure and repeated practice. I started by climbing at lower heights and gradually worked my way up to higher routes as my comfort level increased. By gradually exposing myself to greater heights and challenging myself within my limits, I was able to build confidence and trust in my abilities and the equipment.

Having a supportive climbing partner or experienced mentor who could provide guidance and reassurance also played a significant role in managing and overcoming my fear. Their presence and encouragement helped me focus on the task at hand and stay grounded in the moment.

Additionally, developing trust in the climbing equipment, such as ropes, harnesses, and anchors, through proper instruction and understanding of their functionality was crucial. Understanding the safety measures in place and knowing that I was using reliable gear gave me a sense of security.

Over time, with consistent practice and exposure to higher heights, my fear gradually diminished.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

The forward head posture commonly observed in climbers can be attributed to a combination of factors. Firstly, climbers often need to look up at the wall or route ahead, which naturally leads to a slight forward tilt of the head. Additionally, maintaining a forward-leaning body position helps to shift the center of gravity closer to the wall, enhancing stability and balance during climbing movements. This forward head position, along with the focus on upward visual attention, can result in the appearance of a pushed-forward head posture among climbers.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Rock climbing can be enjoyed by individuals of various body types. While a lean and relatively lightweight body composition can provide advantages in terms of strength-to-weight ratio, there is no specific "best" body type for climbing. Other factors such as technique, flexibility, mental focus, and problem-solving skills also play important roles in climbing success.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Rock climbing requires a certain level of strength, but it's not solely about being strong. Technique, balance, flexibility, and mental focus are also important. Having a baseline level of upper body and core strength is helpful, but climbers of different fitness levels can participate. The required strength varies based on the type of climbing. Bouldering may demand more explosive power, while endurance routes require stamina. Climbing is adaptable to different body types and strengths, and with consistent practice, climbers can develop the necessary strength and skills to tackle more challenging routes.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

The time it takes to become proficient or "good" at climbing can vary widely depending on several factors, including your dedication, frequency of practice, natural ability, and the level of difficulty you aim to achieve. While there is no fixed timeline, many climbers start to see noticeable progress within a few months of consistent practice.

With regular training and guidance, beginner climbers can typically develop a solid foundation of climbing skills and techniques within 6 to 12 months. This timeframe allows for building strength, improving technique, and gaining a better understanding of movement and body positioning on the wall.

However, it's important to remember that climbing is a continuous learning process, and skill progression is a lifelong journey. Climbers at different levels continue to refine their techniques and push their limits, striving for higher grades and more challenging climbs.

Ultimately, the speed of progress in climbing is highly individual and dependent on personal factors. The key is to maintain consistency, focus on proper technique, challenge yourself appropriately, and enjoy the process of improvement at your own pace.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Yes, rock climbing can effectively build and strengthen your back muscles. The pulling movements involved in climbing engage and challenge the muscles in your upper back, including the latissimus dorsi (lats), rhomboids, and trapezius. Regular climbing sessions that incorporate a variety of routes and techniques can contribute to improved back muscle development. However, the extent of muscle building will depend on factors such as the intensity and frequency of climbing, individual genetics, and overall training regimen.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Climbing shoes can typically be resoled multiple times, usually around two to four times. However, the exact number depends on factors like the shoe's initial quality, maintenance, and extent of wear. Assess the condition of the upper materials and any structural issues before deciding to resole. If the upper is still in good shape, resoling can be a cost-effective way to extend their life. Keep in mind that each resole may slightly affect the shoe's original shape, sensitivity, and performance. If the upper has significant damage, it may be better to purchase new shoes.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

To make your climbing shoes last longer, here are some tips based on my experience:

  1. Get the Right Fit: Make sure your climbing shoes fit well. Snug, but not painfully tight. This helps prevent unnecessary stretching and maintains the shoe's shape.
  2. Rotate Your Shoes: If you have multiple pairs, rotate them during your climbing sessions. This allows the shoes to rest and recover between uses, reducing wear and tear.
  3. Keep Them Clean: Regularly clean your climbing shoes to remove dirt and sweat. Use a soft brush and mild soap or climbing shoe cleaner. Avoid harsh chemicals or soaking. Air dry them thoroughly afterward.
  4. Minimize Moisture: Try to avoid climbing in wet conditions and remove your shoes promptly after climbing. Excessive moisture can degrade the materials and cause unpleasant odors.
  5. Store Them Properly: Store your climbing shoes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Don't squash or fold them tightly, as it can affect their shape. Letting them breathe helps prevent odor buildup.
  6. Patch Up and Resole: Small damages can be repaired using shoe repair kits or by taking them to a professional. When the rubber sole wears out, resoling can extend the shoe's life.
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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Leaving climbing shoes in direct sunlight for extended periods is generally not recommended. The intense heat from the sun can potentially damage the materials and adhesives used in the construction of climbing shoes. Excessive heat can cause the rubber to degrade, become less sticky, and lose its performance. Additionally, prolonged exposure to sunlight can fade or discolor the shoe's upper materials.

It's best to store your climbing shoes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight when not in use. If your shoes are wet or sweaty after a climbing session, it's important to let them air dry naturally in a well-ventilated area, but avoid placing them directly under the sun. This helps maintain the integrity of the shoes and prolong their lifespan.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

When washing climbing shoes, it's best to use a mild soap or specialized climbing shoe cleaner. Avoid using harsh detergents or chemicals that can potentially damage the shoe's materials or affect their performance. Look for soaps that are gentle and specifically formulated for cleaning delicate items. Some climbers prefer using mild dish soap, while others opt for specialized climbing shoe cleaners available on the market. These cleaners are designed to effectively remove dirt and odor without compromising the shoe's integrity. Whichever soap you choose, make sure to dilute it properly and follow the manufacturer's instructions. After cleaning, rinse the shoes thoroughly to remove any soap residue and allow them to air dry in a well-ventilated area.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

It's generally not advised to soak your climbing shoes. Soaking can potentially damage the materials and affect the shoe's performance. Climbing shoes often have sensitive components like adhesives and non-water-resistant fabrics that may not react well to prolonged water exposure. Moreover, soaking can cause the shoes to stretch or lose their shape, which can impact their fit and precision while climbing. Therefore, it's best to avoid soaking your climbing shoes and opt for alternative cleaning methods, such as gently scrubbing them with a soft brush and mild soap, and allowing them to air dry.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

As a climber, I wouldn't recommend putting your climbing shoes in the washing machine. The washing machine can be too harsh on the delicate materials and construction of climbing shoes, potentially damaging them. The agitation and high-speed spinning can cause excessive stress on the shoe's rubber, stitching, and overall structure. Additionally, the heat and detergents used in the washing machine can negatively affect the adhesive that holds the shoes together. Instead, it's best to clean your climbing shoes by hand. Gently scrub them using a soft brush, lukewarm water, and a mild soap or specialized climbing shoe cleaner. Afterward, allow them to air dry in a well-ventilated area away from direct heat sources. Taking these manual cleaning steps will help preserve the integrity and performance of your climbing shoes.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

In the gym, the lifespan of climbing shoes can vary depending on factors such as frequency of use, climbing technique, and the type of routes you're climbing. Generally, climbing shoes used exclusively in the gym tend to last longer compared to outdoor use. With regular gym climbing, you can expect your shoes to last anywhere from 6 months to a year or more. However, it's important to note that individual wear patterns and personal preferences can influence shoe longevity. Keep an eye out for signs of wear such as thinning rubber, decreased sensitivity, or loss of performance. When you notice a significant decline in the shoe's ability to grip or discomfort while climbing, it's a good indication that it's time to consider getting a new pair.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Yeah, climbing shoe rubber can get old and lose its stickiness over time. Exposure to sun, heat, moisture, and just wearing them out can make the rubber harder and less grippy. When the rubber starts feeling stiff and doesn't stick to the rock like it used to, it's a sign that it's getting worn out. It's important to keep an eye on the condition of your shoe rubber and replace them when they've noticeably deteriorated. That way, you can maintain optimal performance and grip on the wall.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Climbing shoes should be resoled when the rubber on the sole is worn down to a point where it affects your climbing performance and safety. Signs that your climbing shoes may need to be resoled include visible thinning of the rubber, smooth or bald spots on the sole, or decreased traction on the rock. Additionally, if you start feeling discomfort or pain while climbing due to the lack of support or worn-out soles, it's a good indication that it's time for a resole. Keep in mind that the frequency of resoling depends on how often you climb, the type of rock you climb on, and your climbing technique. Some climbers resole their shoes once a year, while others may do it more frequently. It's a personal preference based on the condition of your shoes and your climbing needs.

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Answered a Question    Jun 14, 2023

Yes, you can put your climbing shoes in the freezer. Freezing your climbing shoes can help eliminate odor-causing bacteria and reduce the smell. However, it's important to note that freezing won't completely remove the odor if it's already deeply embedded in the shoes. Freezing is most effective for preventing bacterial growth and reducing mild odors. To freeze your climbing shoes, place them in a sealable plastic bag to protect them from moisture and odors from other items in the freezer. Leave them in the freezer overnight or for a few hours. Afterward, allow them to thaw at room temperature before using them again. Remember, freezing alone won't fix all shoe odor issues, so regular cleaning and proper storage are also important.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Yes, climbing shoes can stretch out over time. Most climbing shoes are made from materials such as leather or synthetic materials that have some degree of stretch. As you wear your climbing shoes, they may conform and mold to the shape of your feet, resulting in a more comfortable fit.

It's important to note that the amount of stretch can vary depending on the shoe's construction and materials used. Leather shoes tend to stretch more than synthetic ones. Additionally, the fit and tightness of the shoes when new will affect how much they stretch.

To manage the stretching of climbing shoes, many climbers opt for a snug fit when purchasing new shoes. Keep in mind that excessively tight shoes can cause discomfort and foot pain, so finding the right balance is crucial.

If your climbing shoes stretch out too much and become uncomfortable or affect your climbing performance, you may consider replacing them to get the desired fit and performance.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

While it is generally not recommended to wear socks with climbing shoes, as it can reduce sensitivity and precision, some climbers still choose to do so for personal reasons. Wearing socks can create a barrier between your foot and the shoe, potentially reducing the sensitivity and tactile feedback you receive from the rock. It may also affect the overall fit of the shoe, as climbing shoes are designed to be worn without socks to optimize performance and allow for a snug and precise fit. However, if you find that wearing socks provides additional comfort or helps with hygiene concerns, you can certainly experiment and see what works best for you. Keep in mind that wearing socks with climbing shoes may slightly alter your feel and performance on the rock.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

To break in new rock climbing boots and ensure a comfortable fit, follow these steps:

Start by wearing the boots at home for short periods to allow your feet to adjust gradually. Increase the duration and intensity of wear over time, wearing them during light activities and short walks. Once they feel more comfortable, use them for indoor climbing sessions on routes within your comfort zone. Progress to outdoor climbing on shorter and less challenging routes as the boots continue to break in. Prior to climbing, warm up your feet with exercises and stretches specific to the feet and ankles. Be patient and persistent, as breaking in climbing boots takes time and varies for each individual.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Yes, it is possible to rock climb barefoot. Some climbers choose to climb barefoot for various reasons, such as better sensitivity and grip on certain types of rock surfaces. Climbing barefoot can provide a more direct connection with the rock, allowing climbers to feel the texture and subtle nuances of the holds. However, it's important to note that climbing barefoot may not be suitable for all types of climbing environments or routes, especially those that require specialized footwear for protection or specific techniques. Additionally, climbing barefoot exposes your feet to potential hazards such as sharp rocks or rough surfaces, so it's important to assess the risks and make informed decisions about footwear based on the climbing conditions and personal comfort level.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Yes, weight can matter in rock climbing. A lower body weight can contribute to a better strength-to-weight ratio, making it easier to pull and hold oneself up on the wall. It can also alleviate strain on the fingers and improve grip strength. Lighter climbers may find it easier to perform dynamic movements and have improved endurance. However, weight is just one factor among many, and success in climbing depends on various factors such as technique, skill, strength, and flexibility.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Rock climbing can contribute to developing a strong and toned physique, but whether it will get you "ripped" depends on various factors. Here's some information to consider:

  1. Strength and Muscular Endurance: Rock climbing engages multiple muscle groups, particularly those in the upper body, including the arms, back, and core. It requires sustained effort and muscular endurance to perform challenging moves and maintain body control. Regular climbing sessions can help develop strength and muscle tone in these areas.
  2. Body Composition: Climbing can help reduce body fat and improve muscle definition, which can contribute to a more defined appearance. However, achieving a "ripped" physique involves a combination of factors, including diet, overall body fat percentage, and targeted strength training in addition to climbing.
  3. Training Intensity and Frequency: The intensity and frequency of your climbing sessions can influence your results. Climbing harder routes or problems, incorporating strength training exercises specific to climbing, and maintaining a consistent training schedule can help maximize your physical gains.
  4. Nutrition and Rest: A well-balanced diet that supports your training goals, including sufficient protein for muscle recovery and growth, is important. Additionally, allowing for proper rest and recovery periods between climbing sessions is crucial for muscle repair and growth.

While rock climbing can contribute to a more defined and muscular physique, it's important to note that individual results may vary. Genetics, overall training approach, and other lifestyle factors can also impact your outcomes. Ultimately, consistency, proper training techniques, and a balanced approach to overall fitness and nutrition are key elements in achieving your desired physical goals.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Climbers often have a lean physique due to the physical demands of the sport and the training involved. Here are a few reasons why climbers tend to be lean:

  1. Body Weight-to-Strength Ratio: Climbing requires a high strength-to-weight ratio, meaning that having less body weight to carry while maintaining strength is advantageous. A leaner body composition can contribute to improved performance, especially when it comes to pulling and holding oneself up on the rock or wall.
  2. Endurance Training: Climbing involves prolonged periods of sustained effort and muscular endurance. Endurance training tends to favor a leaner physique as excess body weight can hinder performance over extended periods.
  3. Upper Body Strength: Climbing places significant demands on the upper body, including the arms, back, and core muscles. Maintaining a lean body composition can enhance relative strength and power in these muscle groups, allowing climbers to move more efficiently on the wall or rock face.
  4. Weight-to-Surface Area Ratio: Climbers often find themselves needing to push against the rock or wall, utilizing friction and body positioning to maintain balance and stability. A leaner body with less surface area can facilitate better contact and adherence to the climbing surface.
  5. Energy Efficiency: Carrying excess body weight requires more energy expenditure during climbs. By maintaining a lean body composition, climbers can optimize their energy efficiency and endurance, enabling them to sustain longer and more challenging climbing sessions.

It's important to note that individual body types and genetics can also play a role in a climber's physique. While being lean can be advantageous in climbing, there is no single body type that guarantees success. Climbers come in various shapes and sizes, and the most important factor is developing the strength, technique, and mental fortitude necessary to excel in the sport.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Whether climbing is better than going to the gym depends on personal preferences and fitness goals. Climbing offers a unique experience that combines physical activity with problem-solving and mental challenges. It can be more engaging and enjoyable for those who prefer outdoor activities and a dynamic workout. However, the gym provides a controlled environment with a variety of equipment and training options, allowing for targeted workouts and specific muscle group training. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what type of activity aligns best with your interests and fitness goals.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

There are several different types of climbing, each with its own characteristics and challenges. They include:

  • Bouldering: Climbing shorter routes, typically without ropes, on large boulders or low-lying cliffs. It focuses on powerful moves, technique, and problem-solving skills.
  • Sport Climbing: Ascending routes equipped with permanent anchors (bolts) for protection. Climbers use ropes and quickdraws to clip into the bolts as they climb.
  • Traditional (Trad) Climbing: Placing and removing removable gear, such as cams and nuts, as you climb. It requires technical skills to protect yourself and the route.
  • Top Rope Climbing: Climbing while being securely attached to a rope that runs from the climber, up through an anchor at the top of the route, and back down to a belayer at the bottom.
  • Multi-pitch Climbing: Ascending longer routes that are divided into multiple pitches. Each pitch is a section of climbing between two anchor points.
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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Rock climbing can be physically demanding and challenging on the body. It requires strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. The intensity of the climbing experience can vary depending on the difficulty of the routes or problems you attempt. While it is a great way to build strength and improve overall fitness, it can also put strain on your muscles, tendons, and joints. Proper warm-up, stretching, and gradual progression in difficulty are essential to minimize the risk of injuries.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Rock climbing is generally considered a challenging activity rather than an easy one. It requires physical strength, flexibility, coordination, and endurance. Climbing involves learning and mastering specific techniques, and it demands mental focus, problem-solving, and decision-making while on the wall. The difficulty of climbing can vary depending on factors such as the type of climb, the grade or difficulty level, and your own skill and experience. While there may be easier climbs suited for beginners, rock climbing as a whole is often characterized by its physical and mental challenges. It is a sport that offers opportunities for growth, progression, and continuous improvement as you tackle more difficult climbs.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Rock climbing primarily develops functional strength, endurance, and overall fitness rather than significant muscle mass. While climbing can lead to increased muscle tone and strength, particularly in the upper body, core, and grip, it is not typically associated with substantial muscle hypertrophy or "getting big" like traditional weightlifting or bodybuilding.

The physique of climbers tends to be lean and toned rather than heavily muscular or bulky. Climbing emphasizes a combination of technique, balance, flexibility, and stamina, requiring a strong power-to-weight ratio rather than sheer muscle mass.

It's important to note that individual responses to climbing may vary. Some climbers may naturally develop more muscle mass, especially if they incorporate specific training routines and engage in activities like bouldering or sport climbing that require explosive power and strength. However, for most individuals, rock climbing is more likely to promote functional strength, endurance, and overall fitness rather than significant muscle size and mass gain.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Rock climbing can have positive effects on your back health when practiced with proper technique and precautions. Here's why:

  1. Strengthening: Climbing engages the muscles in your back, including the upper and lower back, as well as the muscles surrounding the spine. This can contribute to improved back strength and stability.
  2. Posture Improvement: Climbing requires maintaining proper posture and body alignment to optimize movement and balance. This focus on posture can help develop good postural habits that can benefit your back health in daily life.
  3. Core Activation: Climbing relies on core engagement for stability and balance. Strengthening the core muscles, including those in the abdomen and lower back, can provide support and reduce strain on the back.
  4. Flexibility: Climbing often involves reaching and stretching movements, which can help improve flexibility in the back muscles and promote better range of motion.

However, it's important to note that climbing, like any physical activity, carries the risk of injury if done improperly or without proper training. It's crucial to learn and practice correct climbing techniques, warm up adequately, and listen to your body to avoid overexertion and strain on your back. If you have any pre-existing back conditions or concerns, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before engaging in climbing activities.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Rock climbing strengthens your body in various ways. It primarily develops upper body strength as you pull and hold your body weight using your arms, shoulders, and back muscles. Climbing also engages your core muscles to maintain balance and stability. Holding onto rock holds improves grip strength, benefiting your forearm and hand muscles. Additionally, climbing challenges your muscles to sustain effort, improving overall muscular endurance. While lower body strength is not the main focus, leg muscles also play a role in supporting your movements during climbs.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Yoga can benefit rock climbing in multiple ways:

  1. Flexibility: Yoga improves flexibility, aiding climbers in reaching holds and performing movements more effectively.

  2. Strength and Stability: Yoga poses strengthen muscles, enhancing overall body strength and stability, which translates to better control and balance while climbing.

  3. Body Awareness: Yoga cultivates body awareness, helping climbers better understand their body positioning and movements, leading to improved technique and efficiency on the wall.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

To help prevent finger injuries from recurring in rock climbing, here are a few tips:

  1. Warm-up: Always warm up your fingers and hands before climbing. Engage in light stretching exercises and gradually increase the intensity to prepare your tendons and muscles for the demands of climbing.
  2. Proper Technique: Focus on using proper climbing technique and body positioning. This includes using your lower body and core strength effectively, which can reduce excessive strain on your fingers.
  3. Gradual Progression: Avoid overexertion and progressing too quickly. Gradually increase the intensity and difficulty of your climbs to allow your fingers and tendons to adapt and strengthen over time.
  4. Finger Strength Training: Incorporate finger strength training exercises into your routine. This can include using fingerboards, hangboards, or grip strengtheners to improve finger strength and resilience.
  5. Rest and Recovery: Allow for proper rest and recovery between climbing sessions. Adequate rest helps your body repair and strengthen, reducing the risk of overuse injuries.
  6. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any signs of discomfort, pain, or fatigue in your fingers. If you experience any issues, it's important to address them promptly and seek appropriate rest and treatment as needed.
  7. Finger Care: Take care of your fingers by keeping the skin moisturized, avoiding excessive filing of calluses, and addressing any minor injuries or cuts promptly to prevent infections.
  8. Proper Gear: Ensure that you are using properly fitted climbing shoes and equipment that provide support and minimize stress on your fingers.

Remember, while these tips can help reduce the risk of finger injuries, it's important to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional or qualified trainer for personalized advice based on your specific needs and circumstances.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023  ·  Edited: Jun 2, 2023

To help facilitate the healing process of a finger pulley injury, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Rest: Give your injured finger time to rest and avoid any activities that may aggravate the injury. Minimizing strain and allowing adequate recovery time is crucial.
  2. Ice: Applying ice to the injured area can help reduce swelling and inflammation. Use an ice pack or wrap ice in a thin cloth and apply it to the injured finger for about 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day.
  3. Compression: Consider using compression bandages or finger sleeves to provide support and help reduce swelling. Be sure not to wrap too tightly, as it may hinder blood flow.
  4. Elevation: Elevating your hand and keeping it above heart level can assist in reducing swelling and promoting healing.
  5. Gentle Range of Motion Exercises: Once the acute phase of the injury has passed, gentle range of motion exercises, as recommended by a healthcare professional, can help maintain finger mobility and prevent stiffness.
  6. Gradual Rehabilitation: As your finger improves, gradually introduce strengthening exercises and gradually increase the intensity of your climbing or finger-specific training. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified hand therapist before starting any rehabilitation exercises.

Remember, everyone's healing process may vary, and it's essential to listen to your body and seek guidance from a medical professional to ensure proper care and recovery.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Determining whether to resole your climbing shoes or buy new ones depends on a few factors:

  1. Sole wear: Check if the sole is significantly worn down or lacks grip.
  2. Performance: Pay attention to any decrease in sensitivity, precision, or grip during climbs.
  3. Structural integrity: Look for any damage, stretching, or holes in the shoe's structure.
  4. Personal preference: Consider if the shoes still suit your climbing style and if you desire any new features.

Considering these factors will help you decide whether to resole your shoes or invest in a new pair.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

The number of times you can resole your climbing shoes depends on several factors, including the quality of the shoes, the type of climbing you do, and how well you maintain them. Generally, well-made climbing shoes can be resoled multiple times before they become too worn out to continue. It's not uncommon for climbers to resole their shoes two to four times, but this can vary.

It's important to note that the resoling process involves removing the old sole and attaching a new one, which can affect the shoe's fit and performance. With each resole, the shoe may undergo some changes, so it's crucial to choose a reputable resoler who understands the specific requirements of climbing shoes.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

In rock climbing, it is absolutely acceptable to explore different beta and find alternative ways to climb a route or problem. Trying different sequences and experimenting with beta is a common practice and can be a valuable learning experience. It allows climbers to discover new techniques, adapt to their strengths, and find creative solutions to challenges.

While the intended beta provided by route setters can serve as a helpful guide, it is not a strict rule that must be followed. Climbers often bring their own unique skills, body types, and preferences to the climb, and finding personalized beta can be part of the enjoyment and growth in the sport.

So, feel free to try out different beta and find the method that works best for you. Climbing is an individual journey, and exploring different approaches can enhance your skills and make the sport more rewarding.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

The lights on a Moon board are typically positioned under the holds to create a specific type of training environment. Placing the lights underneath the holds helps illuminate the climbing holds and highlights their edges, making it easier for climbers to identify and target specific holds during their training sessions. This setup enhances body awareness, improves accuracy in foot and hand placements, and allows climbers to focus on precise movements and techniques. By emphasizing hold visibility, climbers can effectively practice and develop their climbing skills on the Moon board.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

As a climber, I can tell you that rock climbing itself doesn't necessarily make your hands bigger in terms of bone structure. However, consistent climbing can lead to increased muscle development in your hands and forearms, which can give the appearance of larger hands.

The repetitive gripping and pulling motions involved in climbing can strengthen the muscles in your hands and forearms, making them more defined and potentially bulkier. This can give the impression of larger hands, particularly in terms of muscle size.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Rock climbing is a mix of cardio and strength training. It requires strength to pull yourself up and hold onto the wall or rocks. At the same time, climbing can get your heart pumping and provide a good cardiovascular workout. So, it's a great way to build both strength and endurance.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Yes, you can rock climb two days in a row, but be mindful of your body's limits and take measures to prevent overuse injuries. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase intensity. Incorporate active recovery strategies between climbing days.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Yes, regular climbing can have an impact on the strength, flexibility, and overall condition of your fingers. Climbing involves repetitive gripping, finger strength exercises, and putting pressure on the joints and tendons in your fingers. Over time, these activities can lead to specific changes in your fingers.

Some common changes that climbers may experience in their fingers include:

  1. Increased Grip Strength: Climbing challenges your fingers to develop strength, particularly in the flexor muscles that control grip. With regular climbing, you can expect to see improvements in your grip strength, allowing you to hold onto smaller holds and more challenging climbing surfaces.
  2. Calluses: The repeated friction and pressure on your hands can lead to the formation of calluses, particularly on the pads and sides of your fingers. Calluses help protect your skin from abrasion and can develop as a natural adaptation to climbing.
  3. Finger Flexibility: Climbing often requires your fingers to stretch and reach for holds in different positions. Over time, you may notice increased flexibility and dexterity in your fingers as they adapt to these movements.
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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Climbing can indeed contribute to developing stronger and more defined forearms. The sport involves utilizing your grip strength extensively, which places a significant demand on the muscles in your forearms. As you climb, you engage the flexor muscles in your forearms, which are responsible for gripping and pulling.

Over time, consistent climbing and challenging yourself on various routes can lead to increased forearm strength and muscle development. This can result in more prominent and toned forearms.

It's worth noting that the extent of forearm development can vary depending on factors such as climbing frequency, intensity, duration, and individual genetics. Not all climbers will develop large forearms, and the degree of muscle growth will differ from person to person.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Yes, climbing can put stress on your joints, particularly in areas such as fingers, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. The repetitive nature of gripping holds and the dynamic movements involved in climbing can place strain on these joints over time.

However, it's important to note that the impact on joints can vary depending on factors such as climbing technique, intensity, frequency of climbing, and individual body mechanics. Proper climbing technique, including using efficient movement patterns, maintaining good body alignment, and avoiding excessive strain on joints, can help minimize the potential impact on your joints.

Additionally, warming up before climbing, incorporating stretching and strengthening exercises for your joints, and taking rest days to allow for adequate recovery can also help reduce the risk of joint overuse or injury.

If you have a history of joint issues or concerns, it may be beneficial to consult with a healthcare professional or a sports medicine specialist who can provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on your specific needs.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

As a climber, I can tell you that hand size is not a limiting factor in rock climbing. Whether you have small hands, large hands, or somewhere in between, you can excel in the sport. Climbing technique, strength, and body positioning are far more important than hand size alone.

While small hands can be advantageous for gripping smaller holds and reaching into tight spots, climbers with larger hands have their own strengths. They may excel in routes that require more brute strength or have larger holds to grasp.

In the end, it's all about adapting and finding the best techniques that work for your own hand size. Every climber has their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses, and hand size is just one aspect of that. So, don't worry about the size of your hands – focus on honing your skills, improving your technique, and enjoying the climb!

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Yes, you can definitely get sweaty while bouldering. It's a physically demanding activity that can raise your body temperature and make you perspire. Sweating is a natural response to the physical exertion and helps regulate your body temperature. As you climb, you may notice yourself getting sweaty, especially on your hands. Using chalk can help absorb moisture and improve your grip on the holds. Staying hydrated and taking short breaks when needed can help manage your body temperature.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

Chalk is not a strict requirement for bouldering, but it is commonly used by many climbers to improve grip and reduce sweat on their hands. The decision to use chalk while bouldering is a personal preference. Some climbers find that chalk helps absorb moisture, enhance friction, and provide a more secure grip on holds, especially when facing challenging or difficult climbs.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

It is generally not necessary to wash your chalk bag frequently unless it becomes visibly dirty or starts to develop an unpleasant odor. Chalk bags are primarily used to hold and dispense chalk, which is a dry substance. However, over time, the inside of the bag may accumulate some dust, dirt, or sweat from your hands.

If you feel that your chalk bag needs cleaning, here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Empty the Bag: Remove all the chalk from the bag and dispose of it properly.
  2. Spot Cleaning: If there are specific areas of the bag that are dirty or stained, you can use a damp cloth or sponge with mild soap to gently clean those areas. Avoid saturating the fabric and allow it to air dry completely.
  3. Hand Washing: If your chalk bag is made of fabric that can be submerged in water, you can hand wash it using a mild detergent. Fill a sink or basin with lukewarm water and add a small amount of detergent. Gently agitate the bag in the water, paying attention to any heavily soiled areas. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow it to air dry completely.
  4. Machine Washing (if applicable): Some chalk bags are machine washable. Check the manufacturer's instructions or tag on the bag to determine if it is safe to machine wash. If so, use a gentle cycle with mild detergent and wash it separately or inside a laundry bag to prevent damage to the bag or other items in the wash.

Remember to consult the specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer for your chalk bag, as different materials and construction methods may require different cleaning approaches.

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Answered a Question    Jun 2, 2023

The longevity of a chalk ball can vary depending on factors such as frequency of use and personal preference for chalk application. Generally, a chalk ball can last for several months to a year or even longer. How quickly you go through a chalk ball will depend on how often you climb, how much chalk you use per session, and the size of the chalk ball itself.

As the chalk ball is used, it gradually depletes, becoming smaller and less effective. You may notice that the ball feels lighter and there is less chalk being dispensed. Eventually, the chalk ball will need to be refilled or replaced.

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